Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Round 3 Summer 2018

Round 3 was completed with all matches played. Reports were that matches were loads of good fun. It was great to see some pictures sharing that too.
This week we added a team drill function on the ladder and updated the phone menu.

You can now just click on your team name on the ladder to see  your remaining fixture and scores for matches played, plus more.

Ladder (Snapshot at 11am)

Match Scores (as entered to Cerros)

Results above as emailed have since been updated to reflect changes to Moonshine Monday 8 Ball as 9 2 changed to 9 13  and 9 Ball as 11.17 changed to 17.11   

Ladder above reflects these updated and is aa revised version of what was previously posted 

Looking good there Bill. And well done on your team win Parmi 

On you smart phone open the web and select Phone Menu . You will get this narrow formatted menu. You can save that as app-link to your Home Screen which shows up as a button. Both IOS and Android have this feature.  You will then always have access to the latest SSPL fixtures and updates which is the source of what we posy on LINE groups 
Once the ladder is updated automatically for each round submissION by home teams, CERROS is  IS resent for the next round no later than Friday evening. That sets all the next round matches up for scoring. In line with past practice we also publish that information on the Caption Forum in the LINE Group each weekend no later than Sunday afternoon 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Round 1 Summer 2018 Season & Fixtures

Round One for Summer 2018 this week saw a very smooth start to the season.
(To read on the web go to

Here are the ladder position after the first round Individual team sheets pending will be available soon.

The round in Summary 

With many new teams we expected some hiccups but it seems they had just as much fun with no issues.

We even had new teams unassisted able to work it out by them selves. i.e. Sam (Butterfly)and Apple (Keep in Touch)

Nuch Cool (Frozen) Joy (Country Road) are Ken (Crazy Breakers) all new comers who lead 100% and enjoyed their matches. Sean (Hangout) Jay (Darkside) and Reto (The Gents) are veterans breaking in new teams and all reported it was all good fun too.

In the 8 ball competition Tigra was unable to field a team so we a seeking a replacement.

Moderation had to defer on Wednesday after Garry unfortunately broke his leg and his team were short on. Their opponent Pickled Hots shots arranged with Club 15 to play round 6 ahead of schedule.

Well done and welcome to the new season everyone.


With matches underway fixtures now appear to be stable so they can soon be printed for venue notice boards. John will do that this by next week once we have a placement for Tigra 8 ball. He will then send them to you. In the meantime a screen print versions is below, based on the live version on the fixtures tab.


You will note on the Fixture we have included Major sponsors on the top banner. This season sponsors have become increasingly important to keep our costs down by allowing them to approach us commercially with product and services. Given this is a key relationship means teams and players also need help us to support them.

Thailand Pool Tables and Sportsman contribute significantly financially and hence show on top. Likewise Club 15 and Shernox Group whose principals contribute time to the league administration.

The later two are basically fillers to encourage more sponsors;  albeit we doubt if anyone in the league would want business consulting services and everyone already knows about clubbing.

For ease of reference for each venue adjacent to their fixture row we have also added their logo

Please also note the promotions on our What's On Page, that we started last season is also active. It is designed to be updated by Venues themselves to point to thier FB or web page and add special event they want broadcast to our SSPL our audience and wider associated reach

There is also a Sponsors tab included on the web showing offers.

Scores and Standings Updating 

After last season trials for Cerros, it is now fully live.

As our official match scores updater, all results for all teams were all posted on time by 10 AM next morning for Monday night matches, Even the drunken leprechauns managed to get their 2 numbers entered into the screen.

On Wednesday it was even better with all matches posted as they were completed. Some were quite late but they still go them in That is the best ever and it was so smooth. Beat that Monday teams.

Ongoing it now has an option for re-scheduling deferred matches.We are also considering adding a button to include the score-sheet picture upload so it is stored for easy reference.

Well done and thanks to the veterans for showing new teams what to do.

The ladder standing are now end to end automated with a once only effort by captains to post results.

Web Access on Phones 

In the past the web has been our primary source of information, On desktops and wide screens it is fine but hard to read on phones.

Phone Menu tab is now added and sized size to fit a phone screen. It includes all relevant information .

It is suggested to add it to your home screen for ease of access. 
We will then refine this based on your feedback through the season.

Web Management 

For the IT gurus out there we are more than willing to accept your help to keep this all simple and extensible.

In the meantime we do have some limitations with our criteria to use only free software. But it seems to work for us albeit it drill down and security is very intense in spreadsheets. Let Jay Reto or Gordon know if you can help.

Here is  a Picture of all the web tabs

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Summer 2018 - Captain's Briefing Mar 7 - Season Mar 12

The Captains meeting is Wednesday March 7th at Moonshine at 7:30

This will include a review of the seasons fixtures and a briefing on new items such as competitions, new rules and other format updates. Fees are due by season start and should be paid at the meeting.

The Summer 2018 season gets underway on March 12th

Peter Moore has reviewed the rules and done some clean ups. Please take the time to read through them before the meeting. There are some changes that Peter will also brief you on at the meeting.

 Captains not able to come should send their representative. Team members and especially new teams are very welcome.All teams must be represented

The tables below are dynamic drafts being updated as we get new information. In order they are:
  1. Fixtures and Team Info 
By Venue & location with contacts and teams referencing
By host so you can see all same venue matches grouped. e.g shared tables
By competition so you can see the teams in each. 
  1. Rules 
  2. Score Sheet Forms 

1. Fixture in Venues / Teams Order

2. Fixture Competitions / Teams Order

3. Venues Locations, Contacts and Teams