Sunday, March 6, 2016

Coaching Videos- Advance Pool Lessons

Here is a comprehensive pool coaching video.

The video focus is on understanding the fundamentals and teaching you how to practice to get your game into auto-mode and keep playing at a high level consistently.

When you watch you see how many bad habits we all have. The good news is it shows you how to practice to get rid of then by just learning stoke & ball pocketing skills to start winning by choice.

The first part could be the best hour you ever spend to know how to improve your pool and secure a top spot in your team and become a top team. It has been suggested it be required viewing for every player in our teams. It is on our site under the League tab, so you can come back to it any time.

Please pass it on to your players not subscribed or ask them to do so via this link?

Please enjoy the video!

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