Thursday, October 5, 2017

Cup Knock-Out Series Winter 2017 / 18

Our Champions Knockout series is starting on Monday Mixed & Wednesday 9 Ball. Monday Dates are, 1. Oct 9 2017 2, Nov 20 2017 3, Dec 18 2017 Finals Feb 5 2018. Add 2 days for Wednesday.

The series is for both Monday Mixed and Wednesday 9 Ball.  The first knock out is the Cup, (4 matches), Those eliminated play for a Plate  (3 matches) and then if out for a Spoon (2 matches). 

Here is the Next round information. Since the draw some Wednesday match locations have been swapped to cater for scheduling conflicts.

First round CUP winners go to the next round and losers are relegated to the Plate. In 2nd round Plate losers move to the Spoon and CUP losers move to friends The 3rd Round all losers all move to Friends. The winners  of each category play in the finals for a CUP, PLATE, SPOON.
In the first draw Home teams and Opponents in each round  are decided by a draw with scoring the same as regular league matches to determine the winner. In later draws home teams will be balanced.

Finals will all be played on the same night at one venue depending on tables available. This is a single venue event for all to join and will be at an independent venue, to be decided after round 3.

Awards will be made at the SSPL Presentation Party: 1, Perpetual Cup, held for the duration of the next season, 2, Permanent Cup and Plate Spoon Trophy. 3. Medals for finals players. 4 Team Photo posted to SSPL awards board. 

Here is the result of the Elimination Round 1 Draw.

Wednesday includes modifications on locations to remove location conflicts

Draw Process

Each draw will be a physical (not electronic) to decide the team pairs and location. The location of the Finals will be an at one independent venue as also drawn . E.g Plaza or larger venues able to cater.
A SSPL Standard Cup Draw Template is to be used that also includes process rules: The first draw will be at Sportsman on Tuesday Oct 3rd at 10PM just after the quiz, Example inc.

  1. Elimination Draw Teams Order
CUP Trophy series order with 8 Red then 8 Blue teams numbered 1-16
  1. Elimination 2 teams order
CUP 8 Elim 1 winners   (1-8 in pairs)
PLATE 8 Elim 1 Losers (9-16 on pairs)
  1. Elimination 3 Teams Order
1.Cup  2 wins      (4) 1-4 in pairs
2.Plate 1 win       (4)    5-8 in pairs
3.Spoon 1 win     (4)  9-12- in pairs
4.Friends 0 wins (4) 13-16 in pairs
  1. Finals (Play off 2 finalist in Elim 3)
1.Cup  3 wins      (2)
2.Plate 3 wins      (2)
3.Spoon 2 wins   (2)

  1. The draw is done to complete each match pairing from match 1 down

  1. Draw for Round 1, first ball drawn in each a pair is the host or home team. The second is the visitor or away team. For rounds 2 & 3, home teams will be balanced 
  1. This process is repeated for all 8 matches when all the numbered balls are recorded
  1. The drawn numbers are entered in yellow and matched to the teams in the fixed listed on the left.
  1. Items in red in the fixed list on the left show what is still to be drawn. The #N/A on Draw table on the right shows the matches not yet drawn.
  1. The draw will be supervised by Committee Referee Adviser, Peter Moore and managed by Len Stokes, as the Cup Series coordinator. 

  2. Before being declared as final, the  raw draw is tested against scheduling location rules and conventions with adjustments made for any conflicts, where relevant.   
    1. Relevant Schedule Rules: 
      For League matches teams playing at home in the first half play away in the second. so all teams have equal home homes. 
      Added for CUP - For uneven schedules e.g CUP elimination, no more than one additional home game is allowed. 
      Venues with more than one team can have no more than one of a pair of teams at home in any one night. The maximum is one pair on any one league competition. 
      No team can play more than 2 matches at home or away consecutively for the overall calendar.  
      Venues with teams on both nights will be scheduled with one match at home and one away for any given week. 
      Monday as drawn precedes Wednesday that should be adjusted first if needed.  
  1. Draw timetable:
Draw 1 - Sportsman on Tuesday Oct 3rd at 10PM,
Draw 2 - Pickled Liver at 8:00 PM on October 10th, before the quiz
Draw 3 and finals venue draw will be advised

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