Friday, May 4, 2018

Round 7 Summer 2018 Results in Progress

Round 7 Ladder, Current Results and Next Matches are tabled below. please check your results and advise on any issues. To check that easily you can click on your team name on the ladder page 

All Monday and Wednesday Red comp matches were  played. The Blue Comp Round 7 matches Keep In touch vs Host Shots, and matches was deferred to next week and Moderation Wednesday team advised they are unable to continue. SOS, who had a bye, agreed with Country Road to move their round 8 match forward hence the SOS 17-10 win is already in the standings 

Being mid season we will be discussing, as a league, any options we have to fill any gaps. 

Next week commencing May 7 is a catch up week. Round 8 week will commencing on May 14. 

We are now starting to plan the CUP series, which should start after round 14 last home and away league match. Todd Guest is the co-coordinator. 

To be complete at the half way mark, the catch-up matches 1-4 below are to be played next week before we begin round 8. Matches 5-7 which were deferred by Moderation will default to the opponent if we cannot find and alternative. In accordance with our rules,  

Where default wins are awarded the match will be deemed played for qualifying purposes , However where may still be required to play off against the next lowest team to decide a trophy finals place. 

The League is by sponsored by 

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