Thursday, July 12, 2018

KEGS World CUP - Group Stage Round 1 of 3

This week our very own KEGS World CUP series got off to a really great start to fit in well with FIFA. Mixing metaphors is now a norm with each team given or adopting a country of their choice.

The world FIFA CUP did get priority so we saw several teams reorganizing which has also meant some tweaking of next round matches. Somehow without the aid of technology using just common sense, it all seemed to work out really well. Thanks, everyone for being patient and enjoying figuring out together how to make it work  Like a jigsaw puzzle it is as much fun as figuring out what makes our matches so enjoyable, no matter who we draw.

A couple of late entries covered the bases of the shuffling so everyone still got a game. That saw SPM Mates as new team and Leftovers as a one-off on their way to find a home. Day and Night, like the ameba, also split its nucleic acid structure to represent both Costa Rica and Uruguay, The then played against each other, before taking on the world. Like latin twins, they might both look the same, but the stronger DNA of Costa Rica won. 

It was pleasing to see North Korea represented too. Kim Jong-un went retro and lost a load of weight for the events, but his button is still quite big. They were surprised however when Brazil got a lucky shot to give them a spanking.

In a prelude to what was expected later in the week the Monday England team left Portugal hung out to dry.

In another great faceoff which started on Wednesday and did not conclude for 24 hours until Thursday evening, saw Germany just beat Canada in a marathon that went to an advantage tiebreaker. The Canada Wednesday team who started out well in a secret transformed Bosnian styled club in the upper Fifteenth street and then moving to a German hide-out in the piazza, before migrating to Croatia to learn how to play extra time.

Argentina on Monday, as always, was sporting and still managed to get the Germans into a corner.

One upset was the Belgium team who on the country road on Wednesday after their match, went a bit Crazy to break with their normal silence when they were beaten by Columbia. As a small but formidable country, Belgium had already got a bit lost in Monday in Russia who was quite Ruthless too.

More anecdotal sidelights include: America's Darkside being in a pickle in the traffic until Thursday when it finally showed its true colors, They had an advantage because England's Liver was not functioning that well after the 4am finish of the FIFA match on Wednesday. For some, who after three generations of waiting for what England hoped would be a homecoming, it left a bit of SOL, so we won't talk about that. 

The moonshine in Morocco was an also bit too full on for the Philippines hustlers The Mexicans too who are used to hot climates had their sunglasses still in the moonshine too. We did hear Morocco complaining about the rough roads in Mexico as they were not used to being bounced out of potholes. 

Thailand on Wednesday also kept in touch with a goal in the last half to beat the Leftovers team, which was formed at 7:45 when a glitch was discovered in the fixture. Thay had no time get proper papers, so they were classified as Homeless. That Thailand win also made up for Spanish rat pack, who got loose and overran Thailand on Monday. 

On Monday as we saw the Japanese day Break Sun over the Costa Rica that made Day from Night. 

Moody's had also rated Panama as BB. But despite hitting a few icebergs in Iceland, which was rated AA, those who took the punt on the BB odds got a good payout. 

Sweden, was cool too even when they knew they had to go home after an emergency call on Wednesday; but they still played on. Thay said they really liked the South Park Koreans and surprisingly the butterfly effect was what carried Sweden to its Monday victory. 

I guess that's all folks. If we missed anyone, you can make up your own story. 

For the less literary-local knowledge-agile who follow us around the world,, my bet is you won't understand a word of this, so here are the scores in tabular form. You can also just look at the web.


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